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Missouri OB-GYNs know the risk factors for birth injuries

On Behalf of | Oct 29, 2023 | Uncategorized

A mother’s health must be closely monitored throughout her pregnancy, which is approximately 40 weeks. The medical team will offer guidance and support along the way. They know how to recognize signs of distress or risk factors to help avoid birth injuries. 

Throughout pregnancy, an OB-GYN keeps a close watch for issues that suggest mom or baby are at risk for birth injuries. The doctor can assess symptoms, and then determine what actions should be taken to keep patients safe. If an OB-GYN or other medical team member is negligent, serious complications and severe injuries can occur. 

3 issues that place a baby in a high-risk category for birth injuries 

If an OB-GYN becomes aware of any of the following issues, he or she will no doubt have to discuss possible birth injuries and ways to avoid them:  

  • Active labor at 37 weeks or less of gestation 
  • Baby’s weight is estimated to be more than 8 pounds, 13 ounces. 
  • Infant is not in a cephalic presentation position, (head down, facing mom’s back). 

In addition to these factors, if the doctor attending a child’s birth uses forceps or vacuum extraction, it increases the risk of birth injuries. Misuse of these tools, as well as failing to diagnose risk factors or to take swift action in an appropriate manner if an urgent situation develops, constitutes medical negligence.  

Maternal risk factors that require specialized care  

If an OB-GYN diagnoses these conditions, there is a great risk of birth injuries if the patient does not receive proper care and treatment:  

  • Pelvis shape is not conducive to the vaginal birthing process 
  • Labor failing to progress 
  • Cephalopelvic disproportion (baby’s head is too large to fit through pelvis) 

An experienced doctor knows how to recognize signs of trouble and quickly weigh the options available to help a mother and her infant navigate the birthing process as safely as possible. Support resources are available throughout the state for families who have suffered injury due to medical malpractice