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Failure to diagnose maternal health issues, birth injuries

On Behalf of | Feb 9, 2024 | Personal Injury

Most pregnant women in Missouri entrust their health and their baby’s health to a medical team. Many issues can arise that threaten the health and safety of a mother or her child. An obstetrician’s keen observation and careful monitoring help diagnose maternal health issues that create increased risk for birth injuries.

During prenatal visits, a woman’s vital signs are recorded. Tests are done (such as a sonogram) to measure an infant’s size and check the condition of the placenta, the mother’s blood sugar levels and other important issues. The average OB-GYN knows how to recognize signs of potential trouble, such as if a patient fails the glucose tolerance test, which suggests gestational diabetes. If an OB-GYN fails to diagnose a maternal health problem, both mother and child may be at risk for severe birth injuries.

Diagnosis of these maternal health issues can help avoid birth injuries

The following list shows numerous maternal health issues that would compel an OB to diagnose a high-risk condition requiring specialized monitoring and care to keep a mother and infant safe in pregnancy or childbirth:

  • Diabetes or hypoglycemia
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • Hyperemesis Gravidarum (can’t eat or drink due to nausea or vomiting)
  • GBS disease (Group B streptococcus bacteria present in vagina)
  • Insufficient (too much or too little) amniotic fluid

While this list is not extensive, it provides a basic overview of various health issues that would compel an OB-GYN to make a diagnose and provide high-risk care to a mother and baby.

Birth injuries caused by a failure to diagnose

Failure to diagnose a maternal health problem in pregnancy often constitutes medical negligence. Such problems can be life-threatening if they are not diagnosed and treated in a timely manner. When birth injuries occur due to medical negligence, a legal claim may be filed to seek compensation for damages against all parties believed responsible.